
power ammo (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Friday, February 02, 2018, 13:01 (2269 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

It's also important to know that it drops for both teams! that wasn't true in D1 right? It only dropped for the team that killed the person?

In D1 I'm pretty sure it only dropped for the player that killed the player with the Heavy ammo, but it persisted for the rest of the game. I specifically remember a game where I killed a player who dropped a brick, and I purposefully didn't pick it up to "save it for later". Then, I kept spawning on the other side of the map and I never made it back before the end of the game!

Anything to not have to search for and/or battle teammates for ammo boxes. I hated that change to special ammo in D1. I want to get back into the action as soon as possible!

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