
I missed it (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, February 02, 2018, 10:11 (2430 days ago) @ Claude Errera

What did they change / are they changing back?

From this week's update:

Finally, the Shoulder Charge changes that went in a couple of months ago have been fully reverted. Shoulder Charge's movement utility was perceived as more valuable than its damage utility, which made it feel bad to actually hit someone with Shoulder Charge. The movement was effectively a "free" dodge.

The goal of the untargeted distance nerf was to discourage using the ability as a movement mode by making it only effective when using it against enemies. In retrospect, we think this change was a mistake and we've heard you all say the same.

The original nerf was they decreased the distance of shoulder charge if you didn't have a target thus removing the dodging ability of it. If you had a target than it was the normal distance.

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