
I disagree with a lot of your minor points and examples... (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, April 06, 2016, 16:51 (3156 days ago) @ Leviathan

It's a related feeling with movies, too. They can make huge swaths of money and considered a failure before the opening weekend is over. It's an industry now that needs a franchise with a perfected routine and heaps of licensed auxiliaries to be successful. We'll see infinite Star Wars sequels but a movie like the first Star Wars was in its timeframe will probably not happen in this current climate. Maybe on TV, but chances on the screen seem slim to me right now.

The film industry is a pretty different story, and the trends are somewhat comparable but there are very important differences. I fear for the future of games, but not movies if that makes sense.

The more realistic the graphics, the harder it is to imagine it as something more, and the more easily distracting the flaws are (dead eyes in Ass-ass-in games for example).

This is exactly why games must necessarily get more and more expensive and costly to make. It does not work the other way though! If your graphics are crude, then incredibly complex or realistic mechanics will feel completely out of place and hurt the experience just as much. The mechanics and aesthetics must grow together, and this is becoming harder and harder.

It seems right now aesthetics are out pacing mechanics. So I predict more Bioshock Infinites in the future - games that look amazing and suggest a great world only to disappoint you when interaction is limited and the world seems fake as a result. Ideally, future consoles would focus more on CPU than GPU power in order to facilitate such a catch up.

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