
Wavesplitter was a bug, Pinnacle weapons also disabled... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 06:07 (2111 days ago) @ Claude Errera

More importantly, because some folks found out that a small number of players could cheese Enhancement Cores out of the Pinnacle weapons (under a very specific condition), they've been disabled completely (as in, you can't earn them at all) for everyone until further notice.

Can't earn them at all, or can earn them but temporarily cannot pick them up from the vendor once earned?

The latter. Still sucks.

It does suck, but it also only affects a small part of the community temporarily . I'm not saying that Bungie couldn't have found a better solution. But I don't it's honestly going to affect that many people.

Meh, but who knows.

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