
Rhetorical Questions; Is DBO twitter now? (Gaming)

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Monday, August 10, 2020, 14:31 (1634 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Okay, I finally got it all straight.

First, there was the Xbox One which was more powerful than the Xbox 360. Then, it was replaced with the Xbox One S, which was the same as the Xbox One but could do 4K video. They added the Xbox One X, which was a more powerful version of the Xbox One and the Xbox One S. Now, they are going to come out with an Xbox Series X, which is a more powerful version of the Xbox One X, which was discontinued. But also they are coming out with an Xbox Series S that will be somewhere between the Xbox One and the Xbox One X.


Da fuk is dis.

It's not quoted here, but why do Cody Mililers posts so often, almost always, somehow become an argument, be it directly or tangentially? It's almost a guarantee, where if there is a thread which grows explosively in size, it is because of... Cody-flippen-Miller. In example, this post starts out with none-a-topic and more a statement. Convoluted Naming Conventions! Oh Joy, What FUN! What... uh... fun? What the 'ell is this? Yeah... it's convoluted. And?

There is no topic... but then, we post. Us responding is the trap. There is no topic unless we respond and then he goes for the kill. Boy... are we stupid? Nah, can't be that. I just... I don't understand why y'all keep engaging with this drivel. Something to do?

Cody; (Still rhetorical.)

Should I expect a post next on the ham sandwich you had? Which then of course will become an argument on the meat industry and-or how vegetables give you awful gas?

Should I look forward to coming here to read about how you stubbed your toe today? I'm sure you can turn that into and argument too, you obtuse horseradish, as the ground no doubt insulted something of your unwaveringly thick sensibilities, you babbling hornswoggle.

Or hey! Let's just spew forth random ...


...gibberish. I'm sure even in this case too, you'll find a way to crawl face first into some boiling irrelevance, as you already know the answer, why "argue" at all?

And while occasionally, there are interesting topics brought...

Da fuk is dis.

Attached: Cody Miller at his day job. Probably.

And that's MY 2¢. (Note: When I started this it was MUCH MUCH smaller. Must be a Cody Miller thread.)

I'm having a perfectly civil and enjoyable conversation about gaming in the next generation, the merging of Console and Windows gaming platforms, the importance of console architecture and marketing strategies. All of these topics are relivant to the moment and are ones I see in many other gaming-focused places. Frankly the worst thing about this thread for me is you coming in to imply that we are "stupid", posting "drivel", and "random" "gibberish" (oh sweet irony…)

As you indicate right at the top, if every one of the threads that vexes you so has a clear and external identifier, just leave it be? Or, if failing that, maybe don't bust in insulting everyone right out of the gate?

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