
...we all know where Cody stands on things. (Gaming)

by Robot Chickens, Monday, August 10, 2020, 19:28 (1634 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

...we all know where Cody stands on things. If you are a regular here, his rigid views are an inescapable known. And yet... we engage him again and again?

Nah, he comes off as rigid, but Halo Reach eventually became canon. :-)

In all seriousness, I do think he views the world in a super reductive way. It can be helpful for analysis, but it has it's pitfalls. At the same time, he is learning and changing. He will eschew an unhelpful paradigm when he finds one more suitable. although major shifts are rare for him, he does come with new thoughts. As such, I enjoy (that can't possibly be the right word) his expression of the way he sees the world.

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