
Letter of the Words & Vortech is a Turnip. (Gaming)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 18:55 (1640 days ago) @ Vortech
edited by INSANEdrive, Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 19:00

Before I... who knows, why do I get the feeling of an... what am I to call this? An internet disconnect is playing a happy hell with this convo. Eh...

I'm having a perfectly civil and enjoyable conversation about gaming in the next generation, the merging of Console and Windows gaming platforms, the importance of console architecture and marketing strategies. All of these topics are relivant to the moment and are ones I see in many other gaming-focused places. Frankly the worst thing about this thread for me is you coming in to imply that we are "stupid", posting "drivel", and "random" "gibberish" (oh sweet irony…)
As you indicate right at the top, if every one of the threads that vexes you so has a clear and external identifier, just leave it be? Or, if failing that, maybe don't bust in insulting everyone right out of the gate?

Vortech, the greatest irony here is that you should have taken your own advice, and left my post be, as now you've opened your textual mouth, and shown you have no idea what you are saying about my post.

Oh look! My post, but quoted! :D

I quoted your post.

Yes. I see that. :P

Telling someone they did something wrong by "opening their mouth" is a phrase that's typically antagonistic and meant to demean others (implying they don't have the same right to speak as you or others enjoy. It's pretty strongly correlated with gender or racial suppression tactics or other times where there is a power imbalance.)

You mean... what you were saying to me? Behold the relevant portion of your post in rouge, quoted into this here quotepocalypse...

Frankly the worst thing about this thread for me is you coming in to imply that we are "stupid", posting "drivel", and "random" "gibberish" (oh sweet irony…)

As you indicate right at the top, if every one of the threads that vexes you so has a clear and external identifier, just leave it be? Or, if failing that, maybe don't bust in insulting everyone right out of the gate?

You've in essence have told me not to post the very question I had, as I was "vexed" upon of Codys OP, and seeked a resolution (Thank you cheapLEY).(Side note; Oh. Could that why they are called the Vex? There are a fair number of meanings in it. I digress.) You've missed the point of the words (which as a heads up, is the serious theme in this post). And... man... your "sweet irony" was contextually a TOUCH much. Like... the implications. Bro. Unnecessary.

Which than brings to the rest...

Considering the non-binding perceptions towards who is saying that, such is truly an irony. But hey, thanks for sharing, but this isn't your best post.

"Thanks for sharing" is typically used insincerely, in a dismissive way designed to quiet the voice of others. This interpretation is reinforced by following it up with "not your best" which is typically understatement. Both are used as ways to demean the work of others while not actually saying anything technically pejorative so as to give the speaker plausible deniability.

It is? Well... it doesn't seem to be working. By the way, that was a jest.

(Which generally has been pretty good as of late, and it has been nice seeing you post more here, even if I don't see you on Destiny.)

If you don't understand, but want to, please say so. If you don't, than don't. Simple. That's why Wu keeps to this unique forum format right? After all, that is why I have been able to, by and large "leave it be".

I'm not a smart dog, but I know what "Stupid", "Obtuse", "Thick", and "CRAZY" is.

The pattern here is you seem hung up upon the letter of the word, not the context of the whole. When I ask... "are we Stupid?" Is that to be automatically an insult? Does my generalization in "we" not imply something larger with in the whole? Same for crazy, which is not in my OP, but a few post steps down.

For the other things directed exactly to Cody... eh, it was in jest, that's why I went all simple Shakeperean-esk in "insult" format. It's silly in a modern sense. An assertive silliness to imply feelings upon the situation as it felt to me in whole. I mean... I call'd him a horseradish, what do you want from me? Lol. Robot used the words rigid or reductive below, which works too but didn't occur to me. Is what it is... you droning tickle-brained flap-dragon. You Mammering beef-witted barnacle. Beslubbering folly-fallen fustilarian. I needed it to be shorter so... you know what you are Vortech? You're a turnip. Boom! Got'em! /thread :P

My observation (as usual) is larger in scope, but it has also been made less relevant in the moment as the discussion has equalized into, I admit, something actually relevant. Because OF COURSE it has. It sure didn't start out that way.

When I started this, things were ebbing towards a very tired Console Vs PC debate with Cody. And I thought to myself... WHY do threads where Cody Miller gets involved, even something as simple as the OP, so often turn out as they do? Maybe I'm a broken record here, but... we all know where Cody stands on things. If you are a regular here, his rigid views are an inescapable known. And yet... we engage him again and again? WHY!? That's STUPID! That is STUPID. Again and again there are sieges of trying to get Cody past a line like a mule up a mountain. And I made my post with... "WHY!?!?" weighing upon my non-existent mind. If I had just of posted "WHY!?!?", would that have been better?!? I suppose not, no doubt someone here would find a nonsense explanation how I'm out to get you, since that's SO my Modus Operandi.

To me, it seems like some of y'all mock yourselves by bothering to try where by now you should know where it leads, and today it came to a head. Do you not know? Is it me? Both?(... probably both.) It's CRAZY! I see it again an' again, and y'all keep engaging. I don't understand. Why do you keep feeding it‽

You have here doubled down and said that we are acting crazy in all caps, which is typically understood online to mean yelling. You say you don't understand and ask questions, but even setting aside the tone issues I mentioned, it does not feel like you want an actual answer given that you answered yourself in the first post, characterized it before asking to understand it, asked it again after I explained by dismissing my answer as atypical, and most clearly, declared your entire post as rhetorical in the title which usually means someone wants to declare things in the form of a question, not to get an answer or to gain understanding.

Yes, I was in tone yelling, and with reason... I didn't understand, or rather, I didn't consider at the time that this was a game, as I mentioned above. And so... YES! YES! IN THAT CONTEXT, it was CRAZY! You keep pushing that I'm trying to make some ego play, but that isn't it at all! In my recollection. it never has, it's not my deal.

Maybe my early days of internet use, but eh... decades.

...and yet... the post I decided to make this observation public became, it seems, the exception the rule.
(Fuck me right? >_<)

I am sorry if I've offended you. Hopefully its obvious that's never my goal, but... heh, odds are with my preverbal luck.

It's not luck. It's the way you posted. Guardians make their own fate.

Fate is a funny thing brother. Just when you think you know what it is... you don't.

Further clarification; I don't "Bust" in. Jumping in and threshing around a sudden "Fuck you" with no context would be "busting" in. I take my time to post something with a purpose, and in this case I took far too long. I can't see how many new posts are being made while I compose a post, though I guess I have to make those considerations now too. These gifts of mine just keep on giving.

I said "bust in" for two reasons. First, you showed no effort to engage in good faith before writing off the entire thread and everyone who posted in it, and two because I had read a full and valuable discussion before I got to your post. The first part I stand behind, but the latter is down to me not really liking or switching my mental model to threaded format message boards. I have not gone back to check time stamps, but I forgot until now that just because your post was at the bottom of a long list of posts does not mean it came after, only that I read it after. That was my error.

This was a fear I had after I posted and saw how... oh wow, large it had become so quickly. It is why I added in at the end "When I started this it was MUCH MUCH smaller." I don't really like making large edits after I post, so it was the best I could do in the moment. My error in part was not checking, but even then that can be a touch of RNG, if you will, as the speed of growth and swiftness of topic change is rather dynamic.

Below this post is a talk about Sandwiches. I'm ok with this (:D!). Sure didn't see the topic becoming such though.

You know... I really wish folks could be far less myopic with this regular, but I suppose that's a bum dream of mine. I guess I'm jUsT tHe CrAzY guY pOsTinG GiBbErIsh!

You pretty frequently lament that people don't understand you or understand you poorly. You also, though, have this fatalistic tone about it. Sometimes — like here — you put the onus on them to understand you better. Do you want actual advice for things you can try so other people will be more likely to understand your meaning? If you got it would you be willing to change so people didn't feel like they wasted their time for trying to help? I'm truly not telling you what to do here. If you want to keep posting the way you do despite confusion because it makes you happy, then OK. (though, again, with the laments) I'm certainly not going to tell you how to write unrequested in a post where I identify paternalistic tone. I post a lot of stuff that incorporates obscure references that I don't expect many or any to get because it makes me happy that at least *I* got it and the rest goes to boot.

Well, yeah. You know what type of QUACK I make, shoot, you more than others if I recall correctly. Hawaiian Pig too, if he lurks around here. The onus, fantastic word by the way, is from my being a regular here which often affords certain social privileges. If I'm some random, I have to modifies how I post, particularity conversationally. As there is no repoire to relay on, just base understandings and fears of human nature. If you were new to the forum, the jest of what you concluded would be plausibly far more understandable, instead of insulting.

Too which...

Now that's insulting, but, like you all care. Thanks for the time of day folks. Been swell. ;_;

Nobody called you crazy, or even that you post crazy things. (at least not to my memory, and it wasn't me) That's an important distinction as it is the difference in ad homonym. Gibberish is frequently used to be insulting by implying the ideas are nonsense, but 1) again, nobody said it but you, and 2) really, like Babel (which you also used) it's originally a reference to communication problems that arose from people who came from different backgrounds and/or spoke different languages. Finally, while I don't expect I'm soothing you anywhere in this reply, throwing out the idea that we don't care is ungrounded in fact. You were not ignored like a spam message, I treated you like a member of the community that I thought was hurting it. As they say, the opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference.

And we come whole circle. Crazy was not stated, but it was surly implied. You told me to shut my mouth when all I was doing, in a fluster - with reason, was addressing something deeply confounding and troubling to me. Why is this ok? ...oh... it's a game.

Woops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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