
Oh please... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, August 21, 2014, 08:40 (3845 days ago) @ kapowaz

All of the above have to be very carefully considered, though, because the flip side to more free-flowing communication is the risk that antisocial players will abuse those tools. But just because there is a risk of abuse doesn't mean there's no happy medium, and throwing your hands up and saying just let players communicate outside of the game is a cop-out, because you sure as hell aren't preventing abusive behaviour if it's completely outside your control.

They are preventing it where it matters. In game. Yes, it's a gamble to have Raids without matchmaking, but it has nothing to do with Bungie's ability to prevent abusive behavior.... where exactly? Are Bungie now the decency police patroling every Destiny fan community looking abuse? I get what you're saying, but you've also crossed well over into silliness there...

My hope is that Raids are actually as challenging as Bungie says. If they aren't then no matchmaking begins to look like a mistake. But if they are, and if they require people to set up their Guardians to help out in specific role, then matchmaking where you get a random person who is unprepared or who has duplicated a role begins to make less and less sense.

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