
Zero sum. (Destiny)

by Miguel Chavez, Thursday, August 21, 2014, 21:54 (3845 days ago) @ kapowaz

Yeah, I agree.

If you have something to contribute, go ahead. But choosing only the parent post in a lengthy conversation (which I think had a pretty good outcome, with shared understanding of perspectives) and replying ‘+1’? Not contributing.

Jesus, get off your fucking high horse. You're not fooling anyone.

I liked his post; he echoed my sentiments. Therefore +1. Just deal with it. If you're expecting Charlie Rose level of verbal diarrhea at every turn, think again. Be glad I don't post as much as I do on this forum, or else these past 2 years or so I would've added a good percentage more of talk that would've been… hold unto your hat!… completely pointless. THE GAME ISN'T OUT. There's theorizing, and then there's navel gazing. This forum has been replete with it for the longest time, sorry to say.

It's only a few days before the *real* meat is served to us patient diners. Only then will I think it fruitful to sit around and bat around what's good and what's not.

Your posts? Not contributing, beyond just you wanting to hear your own negative thoughts linger in the air. You back-pedaling now is very sweet. It's not convincing, not even a little bit.

- M

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