
PS4 vs XBO?

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 10:13 (4208 days ago) @ Schooly D

Yeah. I'm basing most of my soothsaying on the requirement that the Kinect sensor be connected for the console to operate at all. tarehart (in IRC) believes this requirement is just an attempt to "push" the technology on the user base. I think that's reasonable, but my Schooly Senses tell me to not ignore the usefulness of such a requirement in a grander scheme involving monitoring who is playing/watching what, and using that information to target advertisements and in some cases restrict content (both of which can be found in Microsoft's patent filings).

This is why I find the rather lackluster attitude with regard to ads on the current Xbox 360 dashboard so offensive. If there had been an outcry with regard to that, then MS would not even consider being in a position to push that further. I remember bringing up how much I hated the ads, and Claude said something to the effect of "Why does it matter? They are small, and you can ignore them". THIS IS WHY IT MATTERS. The public's tacit acceptance of ads on their gaming console has opened the door to further invasion of your leisure time by advertisers, in ways you might NOT find easy to ignore.

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