
I'm not sure how serious you guys are...

by bluerunner @, Music City, Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 05:43 (4207 days ago) @ Xenos

What I don't get is if I can turn it off, and the game I'm playing doesn't require it, then why does it have to be plugged in? What if I'm at a LAN and we're all set up in close quarters to play Halo 5? Why do I have to have my kinect with me and have it sitting 10 inches from my face when I don't need it? What if my kids knock it over and break it? Am I stuck not playing Destiny or Halo 5 because my kinect is broke? I think they could have saved a lot of this mess from happening if they just made it optional to plug in.

I'm just really shaking my head at this whole thing. How did nobody in their marketing department not speak up and say that people are going to have a problem with this? Now, instead of going out and building more hype, they're having to go out and try to put out the fires they've started.

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