They came with ads, and I said nothing...

by yakaman, Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 06:46 (4207 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Safari. Safari Adblock. Block 3rd party cookies.

Yes, understood. But what percentage of the population is savvy enough to get this? I play my online presence close to the vest, but that ship has sailed for the vast majority of the population. Mom and Pop aren't going to be as savvy as you, and they vastly outnumber you.

It was already decided by a population far greater than us. I think we're fooling ourselves if we believe there was ever anything the gaming community could have done about it.

You don't need to DO anything about it. Either you play or don't. More than likely I won't, seeing as how there are other games / game systems and other activities that don't treat me like a product.

Understood, again. I agree with your principle. I'm saying that battle is already lost. They (they!) won't even notice you're missing.

Edited for grammar

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