
I'm not sure how serious you guys are...

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 21:31 (4207 days ago) @ Ragashingo

The biggest threat an always on spy camera in my living room poses to me is causing me to hit my bandwidth cap. I don't particularly want a Kinect. They didn't really prove that they could make it useful with the 360 and I'm somewhat doubtful that they can make it useful with the Xbone. I'd suffer without being able to talk to my console if they'd knock $50 - $100 off the price. But the privacy issues don't concern me. Microsoft isn't that stupid. And on the off chance they are some kid with a packet sniffer will call them on it one week into launch and it will be fixed.

Haha, the bandwidth issue is one I did not consider. But yeah I don't expect Microsoft to be stupid enough to break certain boundaries with privacy.

As far as them including Kinect with every XBO, I am pretty sure it's to try and get REAL developers to do something worthwhile with it. "Look it's connect to EVERY XBO! Now develop for it! Please?"

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