
They came with ads, and I said nothing...

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 14:49 (4207 days ago) @ yakaman

Kidding aside, it's the whole damn landscape. Everything has moved to free(ish) content with ad revenue. Every person that uses an internet browser - be it PC, tablet, smartphone, or otherwise is complicit with this arrangement. This isn't the future, it is the now. Our data is already mined, and will continue to be. Our online presence has begun to eclipse our "real" presence.

Safari. Safari Adblock. Block 3rd party cookies.

It was already decided by a population far greater than us. I think we're fooling ourselves if we believe there was ever anything the gaming community could have done about it.

You don't need to DO anything about it. Either you play or don't. More than likely I won't, seeing as how there are other games / game systems and other activities that don't treat me like a product.

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