
I hate being a gamer :(

by Grizzlei ⌂ @, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 13:26 (4206 days ago) @ stabbim

Eh, I don't think it's really very easy. If it was, the 360's original XBox support would have been good and I would be able to play RalliSport Challenge 2 right now. :( The sad face is to indicate that although I disagree, I am sympathetic. ;)

I never had any problems playing original Xbox games on my 360. Only the software update to allow it to play older games was a bummer.

Can't argue with the games thing. For me, getting Forza 5 is worth it, but YMMV, as they say. Also on the all-in-one thing. I'm getting an XBOne purely because of a game. I couldn't care less about the TV functionality, although I do like the multi-tasking idea a lot.

I'm a Forza junkie so that game is a definite buy, but like Destiny, it's not a console seller for me. Truthfully I spenf far more time watching film, television, and other videos on my 360 than playing video games. There are still tons of games I own that I've yet to play. Maybe it's just that I'm growing up or they were impulse buys that I have no real excitement for. So I guess the only selling point for the Xbox One is the media functionality. It looks fantastic. But I won't buy it just for that alone.

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