
Let's talk PvP Weapon Balance (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 23:47 (3170 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Primary vs. secondary is not fair at all.

It's not supposed to be. Special weapons are supposed to dominate in special circumstances.

At close range AR vs Shotgun is supposed to go to shotgun.
At Midrange Hand canon vs Fusion rifle is supposed to go to fusion rifle.
At long range, Scout rifle vs sniper is supposed to go to sniper.

Assuming you know how to use the secondaries properly that is.

You just described all circumstances.

Which would be fine if the game gave you enough ammo to fight back with a secondary, but map control is attainable in the first 1:30 of the game, preventing the other team from ever getting special ammo and therefore giving a major arms race advantage to the team that controls the ammo spawns. Improving primary weapons will mitigate this so games are less lopsided early on and it's possible to mount a comeback even when you're starved for special ammo.

The issue is not that special weapons are better. It's that they are dramatically better and it is nearly impossible for a team without special ammo to mount a comeback against a team with special ammo. The gulf is huge. Year 1 had better special vs. primary balance than year 2, while year 2 has better primary vs. primary and special vs. special balance. There is an even better weapon balance model which is attainable.

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