
Primary weapons vs Special weapons (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, June 22, 2016, 13:01 (3019 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Primary vs. secondary is not fair at all.

It's not supposed to be. Special weapons are supposed to dominate in special circumstances.

At close range AR vs Shotgun is supposed to go to shotgun.
At Midrange Hand canon vs Fusion rifle is supposed to go to fusion rifle.
At long range, Scout rifle vs sniper is supposed to go to sniper.

Assuming you know how to use the secondaries properly that is.

So I think Cody is completely right here. The problem, as I see it, has a little bit less to do with weapon balance and more to do with map layout & player counts. I've been saying for quite some time that most of Destiny's maps are too small for 6v6. With so many players all over the map, it's almost impossible to move without stepping into a sniper lane or running into a shotguner camping a doorway. That's one of the reasons I prefer Trials over any other PvP mode: special weapons are still extremely important, but with only 3 players on the enemy team it is easier to keep track of what special weapons they're using, which sight lines they are covering, etc.

All that said, I do still feel that sniper rifles are too useful at mid range. I think every single sniper scope in the game should zoom in a bit further than they currently do.

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