
I'm one of "those people".

by mnemesis, Tuesday, August 27, 2013, 20:01 (4234 days ago) @ Captain Spark

And yep, I've met tons of people who play games in just the way that article says we can't.

I doubt it. I'd like to talk to one of those people. If you are one, reply below with an example of how you do this. Thanks!

I'm one of those people. But I don't want to talk to you about it because you are self-righteous, close minded and you will shit on anyone's opinion that doesn't elevate your own views.

And how is you withholding your argument going to help me change my mind? I want to be surrounded with opposing views - I'll either change my mind, or strengthen my own position. Have the intellectual curiosity and fortitude to engage in a discussion here.

Because I don't care if you change our mind. What you will do is beat people over the head with your intellectual curiosity and fortitude, and the debate never ends until people either submit or they get tired of it and move on.

I've never wanted a "Like" button on the forum so much as now.

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