

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, August 29, 2013, 00:15 (4233 days ago) @ Leviathan

…that especially worked because we had been with these characters for three games now and were saying goodbye.

Indeed! When you rescue Cortana in Halo 3 the exchange IS the perfect combination of all the Chief / Cortana interactions up until that point. They referenced Halo 2 with the part about keeping promises. Then, my favorite part, they reference Halo 1 with: "Keep your head down, there's two of us in here now, remember." But they did it so amazingly well. Yes, it was a slow scene with quiet music, but with that line I was pumped to go back outside that room and kick the Gravemind's ass, more so than even when Rock Anthem for Saving The World would come up in Halo 1. It's because it was a call back that only people like us would get without having to be reminded. Because that line reminded me of all the times I did keep my head down and won the day, and all the times I didn't and had to start a section over. And because it meant both that this really was Halo again (proper Halo being the Chief shooting and Cortana advising) and because it meant I had a new, mostly unstated objective to keep Cortana safe and get us both out of the hell we were in. Usually me and the Chief are two different people, but right then I was the Master Chief, and that was awesome.

I hadn't thought of that seen in all these discussions about story we've been having recently. Thanks for reminding me about it! :)

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