It doesn't have to be this way! (Destiny)

by Monochron, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 11:42 (3606 days ago) @ Ragashingo

"Grind" of course being used in the DBO tradition to mean "playing the game." You'll get you signature abilities back and upgrading exotics is supposed to be faster than before. I'm just happy that any exotic I have will stay relevant if I want it to. Being forced to play the game I was already playing is such a non-issue to me.

"Grind" here being you do the exact same progression over again to attain something you have already attained. Surely you see the difference between calling repeating missions "grinding" and building something that you have already built "grinding".

You are acting like having to give up abilities that make a gun fun is nothing more than "playing the game". I really can't put myself in your shoes here to see what you are thinking, I think everyone would agree that there is miles of difference between giving up a weapon and having to rebuild it and simply having the play multiple missions. The latter is only a part of the former.

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