
If at first you grind, grind again. (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 19:06 (3606 days ago) @ Kahzgul

It's like they base their time investment values on the 40+ hours per week that the playtesters put in, rather than the average amount of time that their players put in.

Isn't 40+ hours a week way more than what the average player puts in? Serious question. I've put in something like 130 hours into Destiny. Is that not a lot? :/

What percentage of your time playing destiny is "for fun" vs. "because I need to do X grind"? I'm about 50/50. 100% of my solo time is spent grinding right now, which is roughly half of my play time.

I'd say 90% is for fun? With the other percentage being booting up the game and clicking things? I mean, it's about the same ratio as with any game I'm playing. I guess every once in a while I've grinded something, but it's pretty rare. Reminds me of my old Final Fantasy games. I might have to grind a little towards the end of each one to beat the final boss, but it was sort of fun in itself and was totally worth the rest of the experience.

This isn't meant to sound rude or condescending, but to those of you who are getting frustrated with the grinding - have you tried mixing up what you play? Or taking breaks? It keeps Destiny fun when you go back to it. I mean, there's nothing, even my favorite things in the world, that would hold up to hours of use ever day. :)

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