
Ugh, this is disgusting (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 12:41 (3606 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt
edited by Cody Miller, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 12:50

I don't want to have to grind a fucking exotic weapon again just so it stays viable.

Whoever came up with that idea needs their damn head checked. They're either an idiot or a sadist.

Blame their decision to release the game in pieces via DLC rather than one complete package.

This is one of the reasons why DLC is inferior. When you release DLC you have a problem: the new stuff has to be better than the old stuff, or nobody would want the new stuff. If that's true, then the old stuff either becomes obsolete, or you have to upgrade it. If all the content were released all at once, everything could simply balance out with everything else. We could have had 3 raids that all max out at level 30 but give different stuff, and all the gear could be maxed at 300. It would have been easy to integrate everything in with everything else and not have to worry about the need for stuff to be better than other stuff because it's new.

It's bullshit. If I upgrade my exotic, it should keep all the upgrade nodes it already has. You should not negate anything the player has done, ever. Only build upon it. They should teach that at game design 101, because this decision should earn them an F.

The Crota raid better be amazing.

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