
Thanks Deej (Destiny)

by Miguel Chavez, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 18:31 (3462 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Poor choice of words, friends. Sorry.

I'm seeing a lot of fear and misinformation coming out the reporting. When I said "wrong" I meant "inaccurate."

Hoping that those of you who know me can attest to the fact that I defend the players' opinions every day.

Moving right along...

I'm loving the game Deej, warts and all. Thanks man and let the rest of the team know they have a satisfied customer.

- M

Interesting you react this way, when it's just been revealed the game design for the expansion is openly hostile to players, and to fun.

I regret getting sucked into your vortex, but just how the fuck is this 'interesting'? Unlike the rest of you with your agendas and soapboxes, I'm having so much damn fun with the game and playing with my buddies, etc. I'm expressing that to Deej. That's it.

Please do your best in your reply to me at avoiding any real conversation, as is your wont.

- M

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