I have never given up on a Bungie game so soon (Destiny)

by scarab @, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 12:21 (3606 days ago) @ Ragashingo

and the only other game I gave up on was Reach and for exactly the same reason. The grind for reward poisoned the fun. (I got that black visor and it tasted of ashes.)

I still played ODST right up until Destiny came out and played a few games after. The original game is still played. I hated h2. Halo 3 doesn't get as much love but I never sickened of it.

For the Halo games that I like, that didn't have rewards for play, I never sickened of them and never needed to take time away from them to restore my enthusiasm for them.

There were weeks were I ran Coastal Highway three times a night all week. There is a checkpoint in Data Hive, I finished CH, listened all the way through the game's credits, reached the start menu and restarted at my checkpoint. The game gave me no rewards, unlocked no upgrades and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it.

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