
If at first you grind, grind again. (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 20:27 (3606 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Maybe a lot of the issues some folks are seeing are simply from overplaying Destiny?

Yes absolutely. Destiny's problem is that is designed, and encouraged to be overplayed. There is not enough content and challenge to sustain the amount of playtime Bungie wants.

Don't know where you deciphered Bungie's hourly playtime expectations of me, nor do I see how that's relevant, but what I'm saying is I think Destiny has already accomplished something by inspiring me to play 100 more hours than most games I finish. Doesn't matter to me what Bungie intended, I can still be impressed and hugely satisfied with that fact, compared to most art and entertainment I pursue. :)

The flipside to that is: might it be unrealistic to be upset that a game isn't as fun after hundreds of hours as when we first started? Isn't it reasonable to not expect anything to provide us with continual glee every day for months and months... except perhaps a romantic partner? And even then... I mean even that doesn't sound very realistic, hah.

Actually... now that I think about it, I've probably spent more time with Destiny than my partner lately... Oops.

I mean, let's say you're right and Bungie shot for the stars. I still got to Mars and that's still pretty freaking cool and I think way better than most games I've tried.

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