
I have never given up on a Bungie game so soon (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 17:28 (3645 days ago) @ Cody Miller

and the only other game I gave up on was Reach and for exactly the same reason. The grind for reward poisoned the fun. (I got that black visor and it tasted of ashes.)

Yeah. I have no idea why this simple litmus test isn't applied to game activities.

- Would you do it if there was no reward given? If the answer is no, it doesn't belong in your game.
- Is the activity intrinsically fun? If no it doesn't belong in your game.

Someone's job should be to do this to everything you ask the player to do, and reject what doesn't pass the test.

Let's look at some of Destiny's activities:

Raid - Passes both
Crucible matches - passes both
Nightfall Strikes - Potentially passes both if the modifiers are interesting.
Daily story missions - Fails the first test.
Strike playlists - fails the first test.
Upgrading weapons - fails both
Upgrading armor - fails both
Bounties - fails both
Patrol Missions - fails both
Exotic Bounties - fails both

If you look at the game though, the Crucible is the only thing that passes the test that does not require you to do a bunch of the things that fail.

This is the biggest problem with the game.

You know very well that's all subjective. You can't credibly call them out on not putting a high priority on making something be fun and worth doing for its own sake unless you can show that they don't think this stuff is fun or worth doing for its own sake.
Their motto ("We make games we want to play") implies they do in fact check those things-- nothing implies that their idea of fun and yours will line up.
I think there's a point to be made somewhere in here, but you're couching it again in this "my views > your views" standpoint that you can't seem to get away from for more than a few months.

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