
Double Des2ny Reviews (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, October 13, 2017, 14:43 (2399 days ago) @ Morpheus

I do love me some zero punctuation.

Also that first reviewer... spelling and grammar are not his Matt Forte (that's a football joke you heathens).

Anyway, Zero has some good points and his review is pretty on point, excepting that Destiny 2's "going to a place and shooting some lads" is actually really fun, and also that it now includes a few things which cannot strictly be characterized as "going to a place and shooting some lads" because occasionally you have to shoot some vents or a spaceship or a weird cubish thing that somehow keeps the glimmer drill alive, but only the fourth time you kill it. My point is that D2 is fun, and zero skips right over that bit. The bits he does touch on, however, he's totally right about, and also he makes me laugh.

Back to review one: This is the weirdest milktoast review I've read about D2. He kinda likes all of it, doesn't really have any issues, thinks it's all in all an improvement, and then gives it a rating of 4.5/5, which is - in case you're keeping score, 90% or an A-, and in the realm of video game ratings, that puts it squarely in the MUST BUY BEST GAME OF THE YEAR EVAR category, which is, frankly, a little ridiculous given the very ho-hum "this is all marginally improved" nature of the review.

I would absolutely not describe a phrase like "They've increasing the number of activities there are for players, although the grind does eventually set in. That said, it doesn't quite feel like a sequel. There isn't much in the way of brand new content — a lot of what has been added is the same as before but just repackaged in some way." as "glowing." It's certainly not the way that I would describe a game that I thought was a 4.5/5.

Let's see: Horizon Zero Dawn. This game is fantastic! Is it perfect? Very nearly so. It lacks only New Game+ (which it now has, but at the time of the original review, it didn't) and some sort of multiplayer competitive mode (I'd love to see a Tomb Raider 2 style MP mode). That aside, it's a gorgeous, original game with great acting, an interesting plot, plenty to do, compelling combat, and pretty much everything I've always wanted from a video game where you are a vaguely native american-esque irish girl hunting robotic dinosaurs. Move over, Turok, there's a new lord of the sci-fi dino jungle! 4.5/5.

Destiny 2: Milktoast. Slightly above mediocre. Much room for growth and not much new past D1 which needed a lot of help. 4.5/5.


I want to point out that I don't agree with the milktoasty review of the first reviewer, and I don't agree with it about as strongly as I don't agree with his ridiculous points to adjectives correlations within the review itself.

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