
Bungie DID NOT drop the ball... (Destiny)

by Miguel Chavez, Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 22:50 (3262 days ago) @ Speedracer513

I'm only comparing them in terms of the amount of time they take and the frequency we need to replay them in order to progress. I'm saying PoE doesn't have the replay value that the raids have, but Bungie has designed the HoW content in a way that forces us to replay it A LOT to earn the most important new currency in the game.

This is probably the right time to point out that this particular opinion of yours is heavily weighted by the "Top-10%-er status" you hold as a Destiny player. To many players -- probably even most players -- Prison of Elders already has more replay value than the raids. Even to a fellow "Top-10%-er" like myself, I think PoE has at least as much replay value as the raids. My mind is completely boggled when I hear these arguments that the raids - that don't have a single bit of randomness to the mechanics or even enemy spawn points - have more "replayability" than an activity that is literally based on varied objectives and enemy encounters from round to round.

To say that you personally don't enjoy Prison of Elders and lay out your reasoning, is completely fine and I would never argue with your personal dislike of the mode. But to say it has less replayability and that we are being forced to run PoE with more frequency to progress (than we were with the raids) - seems quite ludicrous.

Absolutely. (For just about your entire post really)

I wish there was a sociologist or psychologist in grad school hanging around here, they'd have a field day with the material for dissertations over the past years on these forums. There is so much subjective experience posited as objective criticism that my head spins. It does not negate your *feelings* - you can certainly think it's frustrating, or that it's too tough, etc. But it doesn't mean it's broken. What it does mean is that those few gametypes you DO like were perfectly suited for your particular preferences - and guess what - there were many people that HATED the Raids - and they walked away from this game and so we don't hear from them anymore - so to fool ourselves into thinking we're a community of Raid-loving people is to not fully grasp how these sort of things work.

- m


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