
Why do you disagree? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, May 28, 2015, 15:55 (3261 days ago) @ Ragashingo

TL;DR: I'm not done with the game because of the RNG loot system, but I do think it could be improved to prevent players from being perpetually screwed over by the rolls.

No one is "perpetually" screwed over. That's just hyperbole on the back of bad RNG theory. You claim that because there are random drop that someone out there has never gotten anything good. I find that basically impossible and of course the math would back me up. The chances that someone is "perpetually" screwed are mathematically non-existant. Yet you use them as the basis of your argument. You may not have gotten the one exact weapon you wish for but you will not find any Destiny player who has been screwed so badly by RNG that he is unable to compete. Especially not since there are activities that guarantee access to max level gear.

I *was* that perpetually screwed over guy during all of VoG and the first half of CE. To this day I have not gotten anything but boots and chest from Vault of Glass. If the expansion never came out, my guy would be stuck at level 29 right this very second.

Up until the last week of February, despite running CE's raid every available week, I could not physically reach level 32 because I only ever got boots and gloves. My entire raid party was 32 by mid-January except for me. Do you think that was okay? It's was *fine* that my every week raid team had to carry me because I was stuck at level 31? Sure they felt sorry for me, but my bad RNG luck held the entire team back for 7 solid weeks of raiding.

I'm telling you that these experiences sucked. So yeah, I'm using my sucky experience with RNG loot as the basis for my argument, but those experiences are real and you're wrong to dismiss them as "mathematically non-existant." You're the one who is wrong on that count.

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