Xbox Live vs. Playstation Network gamers (Destiny)

by Hoovaloov, Thursday, May 28, 2015, 00:53 (3262 days ago) @ Xenos

I don't know if this means we have more skilled PvP players on PS4 in the forum, or if there is stiffer competition on Xbox in general

Most likely the latter. Remember that the Xbox brand has been known for competitive multiplayer games for more than a decade. Halo 1 revolutionized FPS for consoles. Halo 2 was a global online phenomenon. Halo 3 was a blockbuster. Most Call of Duty games had Xbox exclusive DLC timing so the hardcore gamers gravitated to Xbox. MLG was made for Xbox games. In contrast, Playstation has been known for single player campaigns and RPGs.

We noticed the vast difference in PvP skill during the Destiny beta. My clan was almost unopposed on PS4 during the beta, rolling for many games without a loss. On Xbox, it was a much closer on average and we had many more losses. So in addition to XBL population being more multiplayer focused, I think difference might be also be due to Xbox Live's Trueskill matching where PSN has no such thing that I know of. So you are more likely to get lopsided matches on PSN.

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