
I think Bungie dropped the ball... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, June 01, 2015, 16:30 (3257 days ago) @ Miguel Chavez

But to your point, the Quodron fight is light years beyond the rest of PoE in terms of complexity.

And it's the second week of PoE. Bungie has said, more than once, that we haven't seen all there is. Why write a rant about how they dropped the ball before they show you the full playing field?

Because you can't just have a weak opening, and say "Oh hey, it gets better!". It needs to be fun day 1. And day 2. And day 3…

Oh, hey! Look who showed up?!

Because I know you missed me so much ;-p

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