
Oh shut up. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 02:22 (3167 days ago) @ Cody Miller

That said, have you tried being realistic about the timeline for new content? Destiny took what, three years to make? Maybe five? And the previous expansions? The Dark Below took some three months to come out. House of Wolves was some five months after that. The Taken King was another four months. Given that both The Dark Below and House of Wolves were widely considered lackluster is it any surprise that after only four months no new major expansions have come out?

Or are you sticking with your usual "Bungie lied" crap?

They misled.

No. You misinterpreted. Grossly so. Deliberately So. You took what was actually said, in feel good marketing material for goodness sake, and crammed it into your depressingly negative preconceived notions. And then you post about it for six freaking years declaring doom and gloom over and over. I'm not sure why. Not sure what you get out of it. Just consider this:

There are other plausible explanations. Ones that don't involve synonyms for "lied."

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