
TripleWRECK on Destiny's Current State (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, January 28, 2016, 14:46 (3073 days ago) @ Kermit

I think people expect Destiny to be an everlasting gobstopper of gaming.

This was expected, because this is what was originally envisioned and promised by Bungie. A promise I KNEW they couldn't keep by the way. I even said so six years ago. Apparently the future isn't so hard to predict after all.

So you really thought they were promising to deliver an object with fictional attributes that couldn't exist in reality. And you really thought it was reasonable for people to expect that. Let me paraphrase you.

Bungie clearly promised to deliver a living, breathing unicorn! Bungie hasn't delivered a living, breathing unicorn! Bungie lied! Gamers cried!

Of course, I, Cody Miller, knew all along they couldn't deliver a unicorn, 'cause I'm smart like that.

Nice work if you can get it, Cody.

Exactly. But what they did deliver was a horse with 8 legs. If they cut off four, then now they'll have a beautiful, functional, realistic creature.

If you understood my point you wouldn't suggest that they did deliver an impossible object.

I'm not sure I ever suggested they deliver something impossible. That's why I said it was impossible. I simply criticize them for not delivering on the things they promised that WERE possible.

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