
That's another thing (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 18:21 (3317 days ago) @ kidtsunami

I like knowing that there is a limited amount of snipers and rockets on the map, that way they can be controlled/avoided. Every single person spawning with a shotgun or sniper? Really obnoxious. If I want to play something not competitive, I'll play PvE, if I DO want to compete on a fair playing field? I'll play Halo 5 Arena.

This comes down to weapon balance. If Snipers/Shotguns/Fusions are set up correctly, using them outside their ideal range and situation is a disadvantage. Battlefield 4 is a good example of this, with snipers being a primary but tough to use close in, while shotguns quickly lose effectiveness at range. The maps tend to have a good combination of inside/outside environments where each weapon has home field advantage.

This is why I prefer more objective type games, since forcing people to an objective makes staying in your weapon's comfort zone less tenable.

You can see this in Trials pretty clearly. Where the goal is just to kill, players optimize to 1KS/Last Word in order to have the long range and close range bands covered, knowing mid range engagements will be rare.

In Halo, part of the skill of the game was knowing your current weapons optimum distance and engaging in it against opponents outside of their own. Bungie has been working to make the primaries fit that mold, but the Primary/Special relationship still needs work.

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