
Why God invented New Game Plus. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, January 28, 2016, 17:09 (3073 days ago) @ CyberKN

Eh. Sim City 2000 most certainly had an ending. After a while all the powerlines mysteriously break, all the water stops flowing, all the Sims move out and you spiral into loan fueled bankruptcy... Or was that just me? :p

It was just you.

All my Arcologies would blast off into space to find new worlds, leaving behind bare land with which to build another city…

After I was satisfied with my city, I just loaded up "Streets of Simcity" and demolished the buildings one by one via a lengthy vehicular combat sequence.

I think my favorite was when I made a city that was a low density paradise on a series of islands, all connected via subway. The city had no roads at all. I realized I was funding roads needlessly, since there weren't any. So I cut it to zero. The transportation guy freaked out, and was outraged. Soon there were riots all over the city.

Because I defunded roads that weren't there.

Did the game not charge you for road maintenance on a per-road-tile basis?

I'm trying to remember but I think you'd set taxes which went to pay for things, and then set what proportion goes to which services. So if crime was high and you didn't want to raise taxes, you could put more into police at the expense of the fire department for example. So you could set it to zero for roads, enabling you to lower taxes and still get the same amount of income.

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