
Agreed (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 14:53 (3167 days ago) @ TheeChaos

On the one hand, I'm getting pretty tired of hearing streamers complain that this game doesn't have enough content for them. They're the ones who chose to make playing Destiny into a full-time job.

While I agree with this I also see where Triple is coming from. I love Destiny. But I play FAR less than him, and I am already bored. (Maybe if I was getting donations I would play more?)

I would say that it is ok to be bored after all this time. You and I have sunk hundreds of hours into this game... TripleWreck is probably in the thousands. Most games I play can't hold my attention for 2 hours.

The difference is that you or I can put the game down and pick it back up when we have the craving to play it again. TripleWRECK and other streamers have put themselves into a situation where they feel they need to keep playing Destiny every single, because it is their job. Of course they're getting bored of it. Did they not see this coming? Did they really think they could play for 10 or 12 hours every single day and Bungie would keep it new and fresh for them the entire time? What other game in the history of videogames could possibly stay fresh through so many back-to-back hours?

As far as the roadmap, it kind of gives me some incentive I guess? If I know that all year the only updates I will see are these little holiday events, I could happily quit playing after beating the hard mode raid. Personally, I don't want to "grind" for a year only to have another release just reset my progress. Having that roadmap, for me, could tell me if its worth the investment of time to keep playing. This just goes back to playing games for fun, which I have re-learned to do. Destiny really sucked me in, and became a chore. Albeit a fun chore.

Not arguing with how you feel about it at all, just for me a road map doesn't influence the fun I'm having or not having right now. I figure every new update will make a certain amount of old gear obsolete. That's the nature of this kind of RPG progression. I'm at the point in year 2 where there really isn't any gear I'm chasing, aside from a few more pieces of Iron Banner gear. There's nothing like the year 1 raid or Trials weapons that I really love using and want to collect. So I just play with what I have (which is admittedly a pretty large collection), doing the activities I find fun. When new content finally does come along, I'll shard most of my year 2 gear without much thought.

I probably should have shared my thoughts to clear up how I felt. I really just shared since I know some people enjoy tripleWRECK's stream, myself included. Alot of the streamers are SUPER whiny/ over the top. His is rather laid back, good conversations, and you get to see some quality PVP.

On a side note, I will be playing this weekend. Trials anyone? =]

Oh, you know I'm in :)

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