That you see the redstone

by PerseusSpartacus, G'rndl Prime, Thursday, July 25, 2013, 17:29 (4141 days ago) @ Jillybean

This ties in perfectly with how the "Everyone's a Hero" thing makes no sense. You're trying to immerse yourself into a Master Chief-like mindset of "The fate of Humanity, blah blah blah, depends on me, and I have to live up to my duty," when there's a bazillion people like you running around and doing similar stuff.

What really irks me is that those final clips at the end of the reveal gameplay have the feel of cutscenes to a solo scenario. "The fate of humanity hangs on this mission," etc. This is basically a form of the 'redstone' problem you mentioned, where the game mechanics of an MMO make immersion impossible.

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