My honest answer

by Oholiab @, Monday, July 29, 2013, 13:04 (3929 days ago) @ Kermit

I see where you're coming from, and find myself in the same boat.

Part of me worries that as a "casual" player, I'll have a lesser experience than those whose real life allows them more time to play. How much of the Destiny experience will depend on the player investment system and the "shared-worldness"? Is there room for the casual, mostly single-player experience? I truly think there is, and like someone else said, I trust Bungie.

That said, even though I'm likely to miss out, I'm curious to see how Bungie uses the player investment systems in non-cosmetic sorts of ways (lasting upgrades to shields, weapons, abilities). Have other FPS games experimented with this?

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