
That you see the redstone

by Jillybean, Friday, July 26, 2013, 10:01 (3932 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I haven't played Bioshock Infinite so can't speak to that, but I did think the first Bioshock was incredibly immersive. I still remember the first time a Big Daddy smacked me back on my ass and I went flying. I swear in my recollection of it I was crawling on the floor to a gun, hands in the water. It was a brilliant, visceral experience.

However I haven't been getting that impression from the trailers I've seen of Destiny, unfortunately. There are plenty of non-immersive games that I've played and enjoyed, the Fable games stick out for me. I love them, but they don't grip me in any way. I worry Destiny may have that feel for me.

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