
What's Your Biggest Worry?

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, August 01, 2013, 21:22 (4134 days ago) @ PerseusSpartacus

I know the game hasn't come out yet, and I know a lot of people have high hopes for Destiny, and I know I'm new to DBO, but I'm wondering, what are your biggest worries about what Bungie might do wrong?

Personally, I must praise the Halo-style combat filled with maneuvering and thinking (at least that's what the reveal gameplay seems to imply), but I immediately start cringing when I notice the immense amount of Star Wars influence. Once again, I know a lot of people like Star Wars, but for me, it's like nails on chalkboard - especially the original trilogy. So when I see how a lot of the characters are wearing what look like hybrids between Assassin's Creed and Star Wars, I start to wonder whether Bungie's actually doing the right thing.

Also, the Fantasy influences irk me a little bit, possibly for the same reason Star Wars does - cheesy, cliché, unenjoyable, and nonsensical. And the idea of 'I'm a Hero' in a Massively-Multiplayer-oriented game seems a little weird, though I'm sure that's been pointed out.

So, that out of the way, what are some of your worries?

my biggest worries are:
pretty much what you expressed about fantasy
that numbers you've racked up will have more influence, or just as much influence, on gunplay as your aim and choice of weapon, which has pretty much been confirmed (please don't make that part of the game Bungie)
stuff about competitive multiplayer
stuff about campaign/single-player/story mode

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