
A way Destiny excites me

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, March 18, 2013, 00:03 (4277 days ago) @ RC

You seriously don't see a difference between a fixed piece of art, and a game you're supposed to play / use / interact with?

Not with regard to audio mix, no. The audio is not an interactive portion.

Actually it is.

Unless you're talking about that gimmicky, glitchy, useless Kinect voice command feature, no, it isn't.

Despite what the gaming industry would like people to believe, "interactive" actually means something.

When the game makes a sound, and you hear it, that's passive.

If the noises the game made depended on noises you made (see above) that'd be interactive.

Changing options in preferences does not make audio "interactive" in any meaningful sense.

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