
by thebruce ⌂, Ontario, Canada, Thursday, March 21, 2013, 06:56 (4363 days ago) @ Xenos

I think we all get it. You guys want to control the sound levels individually like a lot of other games offer. Great. Point taken. Just because you want it, and because many other (not all) games offer this option, doesn't mean it should be included.

Yeah, actually, that does mean it should be included.

Really? A small number of gamers wanting it alone means it should be included? Since when? So if I can get a few of my friends together to decide we want a sex mini-game in Destiny does that mean Bungie should include it in Destiny, because other games do? Our desires and what other games have in them does not mean Bungie SHOULD include the feature.

Right, nothing SHOULD be included. Unless you're on the development team or they have given you power to decide how the game SHOULD be developed, they'll decide whether they feel it's something that SHOULD be included, whether it's for 1% of their community or 99%.

Now, whether it's wise to include something or not is an entirely different question.
On numbers alone, it's wiser to include something that 99% of people want than 1%. OTOH, if including it causes other problems, then it may still be wiser not to include it even if 99% want it. That's a judgement call the developers have to make.

Paying customers demanding something (that was never promised) as if they're entitled to it is wrong. Community desiring something and doing their best to convince developers to include it - that's respectable. Especially if they can trust the decision if they don't include it.

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