A way Destiny excites me

by Claude Errera @, Monday, March 18, 2013, 06:02 (4277 days ago) @ General Vagueness

I just went into the options on my monitor and it turns out I can adjust red, green, and blue (which I don't remember any old TVs letting me do, actually), plus hue and saturation, and a lot of people play console games with a monitor. BTW this is a (presumably cheap since it came with the computer) Dell monitor from 2007. I'd imagine a lot of TVs now would have similar options. Also I've seen one, maybe two TVs in my entire life that let you adjust bass and treble.

Again - none of those changes affect ONE KIND OF VISUAL OBJECT. You can't brighten trees while leaving people alone, for example. That's what you're asking for in your audio mix.

Can you deny it would be expected based on other games though? (if "other games" is too vague we can narrow it down, I think you'll still find at least half of them allow for this kind of adjustment)

I wasn't TALKING about other games - I wasn't talking about what you think you should be able to expect. I addressed one small piece of this argument - the people on the "I want this" side are saying "we already have this for visual aspects, why shouldn't we have it for audio aspects?" and I'm saying you DON'T have it for visual aspects (or, really, pretty much anything else, on a consistent basis).

Nobody's saying it CAN'T be offered - not even Kermit. What they're saying is that it's not OWED to you. Some developers might choose to offer it - but that doesn't make it a requirement for ALL developers. You can certainly want it - but it's an aesthetic choice, and as such, the developer can choose to withhold it, for the overall consistency of their offering. All I was saying was this argument that "we've had it since 1995" or whatever is irrelevant; yes, the technology to split out the audio has existed for that long, but no, it's NOT a given that you, as the player, will be given that option. And no, you don't have it with other aspects of the presentation. That's all.

As Narcogen pointed out, some people don't like Jackal Snipers - but you don't expect Bungie to offer you an 'Enemy' slider to let you reduce their frequency to 0, so you can play the game without them. (That would fucking rock, by the way - but I don't hold it against them that they didn't give it to me.)

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