
Backwards Compatibility

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, May 23, 2013, 22:45 (4211 days ago) @ narcogen

Definitely don't disagree that backwards compatibility should be a bigger priority for both Microsoft and Sony, but it is a little tougher to emulate the 360 then past consoles, one major reason being because it is built upon PowerPC. Remember people trying to get Windows games running on Mac before the Intel days? Or even worse, the crappy Mac emulators for PC? If I remember right the fastest they could get Mac emulation running on Windows was 15x slower. Anyway, my main point is I think it would probably cost more than pennies per unit. I still think they could do it, but I'd personally prefer them to focus on making the console and platform better. Whether they do/did that remains to be seen...

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