
I think Destiny Xbox 360 is the community-friendly choice.

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 08:48 (4205 days ago) @ petetheduck

Sure, eventually, given enough years, it would be cheaper to avoid the online subscription fee.. but that doesn't seem like a very convincing reason to buy a PS3. If it was, I would've bought a PS3 in the first place, instead of an Xbox 360.

That calculation also assumes that Destiny is the only reason I have XBL. Which it isn't.

I do agree with the OP that, in theory, the PS3 is the most cost effective way for a large group of people to obtain a machine to play Destiny together on. But this assumes that said group is starting from a point where they're definitely going to need to lay out cash for one system or the other (and said system's associated online subscription, where applicable). It also assumes that Destiny is the only game involved. Whereas the reality is that many of us have already bought other consoles and online (XBL) subscriptions, and may be keeping them in order to play other games regardless of where Destiny goes. That being said, I suppose for someone who is in the situation of not already owning any major console, get a PS3. :)

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