Some concerns.

by NsU Soldier @, Washington, Friday, May 24, 2013, 13:47 (4210 days ago) @ Xenos

And I could get all three of those for about $500, which is probably what those consoles are going to be hovering around.

Gamestop claims that both the XBox One and the PS4 will cost less at launch than the 360 and PS3 cost at launch. Meaning the XBox One should be less than $400 at least, and the PS3 less than $600 at least. If the XBox One is $300 or less I will most likely get one regardless of used game concerns that is not bad for a console.

Wow, the Xbone being less than $400 at launch would be VERY surprising. I don't see how it'll be possible though, what, with them all having mandatory Kinects bundled...

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