
Some clarification.

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 09:05 (4205 days ago) @ HiredN00bs

Hopefully Bungie can work out cross-platform play for the sequels. PS3 <-> PS4 network play would also make Destiny on PS a better choice, IMO, but we have to wait and see on that.

That's an interesting thought. I've already deemed play between XBox and PlayStation platforms impossible, due to both technical reasons and politics. But play between PS3 and PS4, or 360 and XBOne, MIGHT be theoretically possible. Obviously it depends a lot on the architecture of Sony and MS' networks, both on the current-gen consoles and the next-gen (which we know nothing about yet). But still, it at least MIGHT be possible.

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