
One Other Thing... (Destiny)

by bluerunner @, Music City, Thursday, January 05, 2017, 17:25 (2955 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Game development, especially on the scale of something like Destiny is very hard. But it's also hard as a fan of the studio and game to be in the dark about why thing were like they were.

I do not now, and never have, understood this attitude. You're paying them for a game - not a history lesson. When you buy a pound of roast beef at the grocery store, you don't consider yourself entitled to the life story of the cow that beef was cut from (unless you live in Portland, but that's another story altogether). When you buy a chair at a furniture store, you do not expect (and will likely never be given) a list of things that didn't work when the designers were deciding how to put that chair together. More relevantly, you don't expect the farmer that grew that cow (or the company who built that chair) to give you status updates along the way. ("Cow got brucellosis again. Hopefully we get it cured before slaughter.") Why, then, do you think it's okay to ask that of Bungie (or any game company)?

Whenever we had a cow go down and we weren't going to get any money at the sale barn for it, we would butcher it ourselves. Whenever I had a cookout in college I would tell my friends which cow we were cooking. After a few cookouts some of my friends could tell which cow was which just by the taste.

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