
Lots of people felt misled about Halo 2. (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Sunday, January 08, 2017, 14:43 (2756 days ago) @ cheapLEY

My problem with Destiny isn't the small little shit like seeing ships fly down to drop off Guardians, or the "You see that mountain?" crap. My biggest problem is the repeated assertion that Destiny is totally a game that you can play on your own and have a great time with a fun campaign. Everything else is small change--shit changes during development, who cares that a ship doesn't fly down or we didn't go to Saturn in vanilla Destiny. I was expecting a game that I could play by myself, a game with a campaign that was worth playing, and that just wasn't true. Sure, that's a matter of opinion and taste, but I believe we were led to believe that Destiny would have a Halo style campaign, and that's definitely not the case.

Totally understand your feelings in that regard, and that's a completely valid opinion to have. Most people who complain about changes had problems with the things you mentioned that you don't care about, which is why I brought up the Halo 2 E3 presentation. I actually think the comparison between the two is pretty valid because neither E3 presentation I think had large stuff change before launch, but people were upset that the feel and style that was presented wasn't 100% representative of the final product.

I also totally had a blast completing the Destiny campaign (and every campaign after that) by myself, and I still do. Is the in-game story fantastic in the original campaign? Not really. But I had a lot of fun. If you didn't then that's fine, I personally don't like onions.

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