
A lot of disappointing answers in Bungie's AMA... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Saturday, July 29, 2017, 08:34 (2719 days ago)
edited by Korny, Saturday, July 29, 2017, 08:46

From the IGN AMA, there's a number of confirmations that are really upsetting, especially given how much the community requested a number of features. A couple of examples:

Will our characters remain mute throughout the sequel?
Luke Smith: Yep.

Well, that seals it. Awkward immersion-breaking staring and silence in the name of "immersion" it is. Makes sense, especially since it's been established that our character aren't mute. Bungie has literally pulled a Michael Bay by inexplicably taking away our speech for the sequel.

Will [Theater Mode] be included in Destiny 2? And will we at least still be able to do the sword glitch to make fan films?
Mark Noseworthy: D2 doesn’t feature a Theater Mode. I don’t know for certain if the sword glitch still functions. We’ve changed a lot of the code and content under the hood for how things work, including swords (of which there are now many types).

The fact that they have no Theater support in D2 is baffling. The fact that they don't even work to give players a tool to at least work around this lack of support is equally mind-boggling. And worst of all, it could be so simple to do. Give us an exotic weapon that lowers our hands (a free exotic that lets us equip other exotic weapons). L2 zooms in 2x, L2+R2 zooms in 4x. Zoom locks in until you pull R2 again. Bam, no more trying to do sword glitches, and players have a bit more control.
If other players have the same exotic equipped, you see their guardians standing with their arms at their side like in a Social Space.
If they have a Machinima Artifact equipped, they simply lower their equipped weapons.

So much stuff that they could do, why do they put zero effort towards it?
I don't even want to talk about what other devs have done for their games in this regard; I'll just get way more bummed out about it.

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